Sunday, September 11, 2011

Different Types of Dieters

Everyday it seems, we hear stories about people who joined a weight loss program, lost weight and look great! Before and after photographs provide dramatic proof that yes, these programs do work. But how do you decide which weight loss program is best for you, and make it work?

First, you have to remember that the aim of a weight loss program is to take weight off and KEEP IT OFF. Yo-yo dieting puts stress on your body that can make losing weight harder and harder and packing it back on far too easy. It's important to choose a diet plan that will help you make changes to your eating habits that will last a lifetime.

If you're a yo-yo dieter, you probably have a history of swinging between very restrictive diets and then returning to 'normal' eating once you've lost the weight that you need to lose. You've proved that you have willpower now what you need is re-education. Instead of choosing a strict regimen that you'll abandon when the diet is done, commit to following the recommendations for healthy eating from the USDA, and add half an hour of exercise to your daily routing five times a week. You'll establish healthy habits that will take off the pounds - and help you keep them off forever.

Secondly, decide just how much help you need. What motivates you? Are you a private person by nature, or do you do best with a lot of social support? Are you a strong-willed person who can decide to do something and 'just do it', or will you need help overcoming temptation?

If you thrive on social motivation, joining a weight loss program like Weight Watchers or TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) might be the best option for you. You'll have social support, motivational rewards and weekly check-ins to help you stay on track and give you goals to aim for.

Next, do you do best with regimented, strict instructions that tell you exactly what you should do step by step, or are you happiest and more comfortable with a little flexibility?

If you do best when you have strict guidelines to follow and like routines, then look for a diet that gives you daily menus with precise measurements and foods to eat. While that may feel restrictive to many people, the trick is to do what works for you. In fact, once you reach your target weight, you can subscribe to a healthy eating or living magazine that has daily menus.

If restrictive diets and inflexible menus aren't for you, then try a diet that gives you the option of mixing and matching your meals within certain parameters. Whether you count carbs, calories or exchanges, a diet like the Atkins, Weight Watchers or the Zone diet gives you some flexibility within the prescribed 'allowed foods'.

Finally, how much weight do you have to lose? How long have you been trying to lose it? Will quick results keep you motivated, or is slow-and-steady progress all you really need?

Try a Quick-start with the Atkins diet to strip off the early weight - a lot of it water weight - quickly so that you will see results immediately. When your results from such restrictive eating are slow, pick up the activity by adding a little more exercise and vary your diet a little - but count your calories and carbs. Aim for a steady 1-2 pounds per week, but if you need an extra boost, drop back to a more restrictive pattern to give your metabolism a little kick. The trick is to never stay with an extremely low calorie diet long enough to slow your metabolism. Just drop down and pick up the activity level long enough to wake yourself up again.

Fat Loss Tip - List For Fast Weight Loss

Is there really a magic formula out there for effectively getting rid of those unwanted bulges? Well, magic infers that you can produce something amazing with the least effort required. Unfortunately, you may search high and low and you'll only find out sooner or later that losing weight entails more than a quick wave of a magic wand. What will really lead to a successful weight loss program is one that involves a change in lifestyle, which means turning your back on bad habits that caused the extra pounds in the first place. Don't despair though, here's a fat loss tip list that you can use to get into the shape you long for:

Less Calories In, More Calories Out

The very basic principle behind all fat loss programs is the simple caloric intake and output ratio. The more calories you take in, the more active your lifestyle should be, to retain only the amount of calories that your body needs to maintain a good metabolism. You can do this by limiting your daily calories (to a reasonable amount!) and staying away from sugars and fats. This is one fat loss tip that seems easy to follow, except that it may mean totally cleaning up your diet, free from refined fats and sugar rich foods. Do it in small steps, like having a cola free day today, for example!

Have an Active Lifestyle

Remember this fat loss tip - part of the equation of losing weight is expending excess calories through an active lifestyle. This doesn't really mean spending hours in the gym, but finding physical activities that can increase your metabolism and burn those excess calories. You can try dancing, swimming, hiking, biking and other outdoor activities where fun comes with the calories burned.

Get The Heart Pumping

Whether you're the athletic type who loves to sweat out running miles, a martial arts fanatic, or one who simply enjoys a night out dancing, you will benefit from these activities as long as they get your heart pumping. One good weight loss tip is incorporating into your daily routine activities that increase your heart rate as these do not just improve your heart condition, but also help in losing pounds. After all, fat is simply unused calories, so any activity that will help you consume those calories will improve your figure. Take note that this fat loss tip only works with a good diet that is low in calorie, yet fulfills daily nutrient requirements.

Build Lean Muscles

Here's the last fat loss tip - build lean muscle mass that not only gives you a more toned look, but most of all can increase your metabolism and burn unwanted calories. Building lean muscles through regular focused exercise also builds up your strength and endurance.

Mary Tanady desires to write articles since 3 years ago. Not only this author loves to write in the topic of weight loss, but also in beauty, dieting, fitness training and health.

HCG Quick Weight Loss Diet

When doing research on the Internet for quick weight loss drugs, you must be very careful. Every year brings more and more ads for weight loss drugs promising you quick weight loss if you will only buy their miracle new weight loss drug. A lot of these drugs are totally unproven with no scientific studies to back up their wild claims.

The HCG quick weight loss diet has been around for over 50 years now and is backed by scientific studies attesting to its effectiveness and its safety. These results are predictable and based on having a physician administer and monitor you while you are on the diet.

Because of the success of the HCG diet, the Internet is filled with HCG supplements you take orally. It is our contention that these do nothing but waste your money. HCG must be purchased by a physician and injected for the best results while on the diet. We can't emphasize this enough because it is essential for your success in losing weight quickly and safely.

HCG, stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is not new and is not a passing fad in dieting. The basics of the diet were laid out in detail by A.T.W. Simeons, M.D. in his book Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity. HCG is not available for sale in the United States at this time and if you choose to buy HCG you will need to purchase it from another country or from a licensed physician.

Dr. David Walters of the 'rejuvenation klinik' located in Pueblo, Colorado is a licensed physician and uses only the highest quality HCG with his patients. It's important if you are thinking of using HCG and the quick weight loss diet as detailed in Dr. Simeons' book, that it be administered under a doctor's supervision.

Along with HCG injections, Dr. Walters recommends a very specific diet which restricts your caloric intake to 500 calories per day. The combination of the HCG and the low calorie diet results in dramatic weight loss without the loss of muscle tissue. In the first day or two you may experience a small amount of hunger but this is soon replaced with a feeling of being more than satisfied and a noticeable increase in energy. HCG acts as an appetite suppressant and you will soon notice that the smaller servings of food will be more than satisfying.

The HCG diet has many benefits and one of the major benefits is you will find that those hard to lose fat deposits will begin to disappear. The diet actually works by making adjustments to your hypothalamus gland and resets it back to where it should be which increases your metabolic rate.

Please don't trust your health to weight loss drugs that are not proven to be effective and safe. Save your money and protect your health by having Dr. Walters monitor you throughout your weight loss.

About Author:
Dr. Walters attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, Iowa. Upon graduation from medical school he completed a three-year residency in Family Practice at University of Iowa Medical School - affiliated Broadlawns Medical Center in Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Walters has practiced family medicine in southern Colorado since 2001.
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